Bam Khaneh Sabz Company has been established as a specialized, entrepreneurial and creative executive in the field of neighborhood-oriented regeneration with the center of Bam Engineering Development Group.

The experience of Bam Engineering Development Group has shaped this company’s view on regeneration as follows:

– Changing the look of “hidden treasure”

– A platform for entrepreneurship and creativity

– Thinking big and acting small

Belief, faith, patience and avoiding hasty decisions

– Entering the neighborhood for social, cultural, historical and residential projects

– Participation instead of ownership

– Providing services to the people in the neighborhood through cultural, religious, economic and social packages

– Using the capacity of services within the neighborhood (manpower, purchase of goods) and the people in the neighborhood enjoying all the capacities of the project

– Core guarantee (owners, developers, operators) through the agent bank

– clarification

– Sustainable development – uploading the regeneration plan of the neighborhood according to the existing urban, historical, cultural and social capacity

– Designing and implementing operations according to current standards and modern engineering methods

– Ensuring and supporting the regenerated neighborhood during operation

Bam Khaneh Sabz Company intends to become an entrepreneurial developer company active in the stock market in the field of re-creating worn out, unstable and historical structures with people-centered, neighborhood-centered, guarantee-centered and sustainable characteristics with the participation of people and the support of owners of ideas and capital. , operating bank, government and municipality to continue their activities.

Bam Khaneh Sabz company is trying to bring other owners of ideas and reliable capital with them in order to accelerate the progress process. This company tries to be an intermediary and rosary thread between stakeholder groups in the area of neighborhood-based regeneration with a developmental and entrepreneurial activity, according to the organizational chart of regeneration management, including the people in the neighborhood, the municipality, the government, the operating bank, executives and beneficiaries. The vision of Bam Khaneh Sabz Company, the largest private developer and entrepreneur company active in the stock market with the largest contribution to the neighborhood-oriented regeneration of worn out, unstable and historical tissues of the country

Address: Iran, Tehran, Iran St., corner of Absardar Crossroad, Sarai Bazafariniganj hidden treasure

Phone: 33549651